
Showing posts from April, 2017
                                      More than a Century of R&G #COFFEE innovations Leo Coffee, with a strong presence in R&G coffee markets across India and abroad, has constantly innovated to emerge as a major coffee business in India. The business has shown immense resilience and adopted new business formats to reach out to distinct consumer segments. Leo Coffee has effectively built upon its traditional roots to widen its product portfolio and consolidate it's business models. Leo Coffee's beginnings can be traced to the year 1910, when Sri. P. R Karupiah Nadar, an enterprising 16 year old youth, started trading coffee with European Jesuit Missionaries who, at that time, owned most of the coffee plantations in Pulney hills. They found him a reliable and honest man to sell their coffee and soon, Mr. Nadar was signing agreements to buy coffees from all major estate companies...